Bower Farm, Bridgwater


Dan Haines, Regional Managing Director at Keepmoat Homes: “We’re delighted to have exchanged contracts on Bower Farm. At Keepmoat, we’re committed to providing new homes that support first-time buyers as well as those looking to up-size.”

Marketing materials expected 2021


Bower Farm presented an opportunity with several site-specific challenges which had to be overcome to produce a viable scheme which met the aspirations of the planners and the Winter family who owned the land and an operational business on the site. Working with the Landowners, in a partnership, Edward Ware Homes overcame the hurdles as they were encountered and achieved a resolution to grant planning in 2019 for 260 dwellings.

Having secured outline planning permission, whilst in the height of the Covid 19 ‘lockdown’, with the signing of a section 106 agreement on the 1st May 2020 we are pleased to announce the exchange of contracts with Keepmoat Homes for the sale of the land, achieved on the 8th September 2020.

We would like to thank Sedgemoor Council planning officers and legal team for their perseverance in tacking the challenges that the early stages of the pandemic threw up. As well as their positive approach though out the planning process which has resulted in a site which will deliver 50% affordable housing, noise reduction from the M5 for existing east Bridgewater residents and delivers significant infrastructure which will form the foundation of the wider Bridgwater East allocation.

Keepmoat Homes put together a winning bid. Work on site is anticipated to commence in early 2021. Dan Haines, Regional Managing Director at Keepmoat said “We are committed to providing new homes that support first-time buyers as well as those looking to up-size and this acquisition is a positive step for our ambitious growth plans in Bridgwater as well as our wider efforts to grow our presence in the South West.” To register your interest in buying a home at Bridgwater

Edward Ware Homes would also like to thank our consultants who worked with us in delivering this project, particularly Alder King Planners (including former employees Dale Evans and Catherine Norris)  and agency (Ben St Quintin & Chris Haworth) in ensuring a high quality viable scheme was the outcome. Clarke Willmott (Gavin Morgan) acted jointly for EWH and the landowners in respect of the contract of sale.

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Consultants Team

·         T & P Regeneration

·         Transport Planing Associates

·         MLM Group

·         Cotswold Archaeology

·         Clifton Surveys

·         Groundsure

·         WSP Global

·         Tree works Environmental

·         REC Ltd

We are committed to delivering the balance of the northern section of the East Bridgwater allocation in coming years. In this respect we have already carried out significant survey work and will be commencing preparation for of an application for at least a similar size phase in the next few months.

If you are a landowner, or represent a landowner, with land in Sedgemoor or the South West of England which you believe has scope for residential or mixed use development please email [email protected] or alternatively get in touch via our website!

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Contact us to discuss your land or development opportunity today.

Edward Ware